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Showing posts from May, 2018

Questions on Brain for SSC , Railways,NDA etc

1. Part of brain which serves as a relay station between body and cerebrum— A. hypothalamus B. amygdale C. thalamus D. cerebellum 2. In humans, reduced part of brain is— A. fore brain B. mid brain C. hind brain D. cerebral cortex 3. Largest portion of brain is— A. hypothalamus B. cerebellum C. thalamus D. cerebrum 4. Human brain is mainly divided into— A. two parts B. three parts C. four parts D. five parts 5. Alzheimer's disease in humans is associated with the deficiency of— A. Acetychlorine B. Dopamine C. Gamma aminobutyric acid D. Glutamic acid 6. Which of the following is the example of the action of the autonomous nervous system? A. Papillary reflex B. Peristalsis of the intestine C. Swallowing of food D. Knee jerk response 7. Which part of human brain is considered with the regulation of body temperature and urge for eating are contained in? A. Medulla oblongata B. Cerebrum C. Hypothalamus D. Cerebellum 8....