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Fill in the blanks For SSC ,NDA,CDS,AFCAT,BANKING etc

Example 1.
 Astronomy, it has been said, is the oldest and the noblest of the sciences. (_______) it is one of the few sciences for which most
present-day educators seem to find little time.
(a) As (b) Yet (c) But (d) Thereby
Explanation (b): There is a mood swing between the two sentences, which is best highlighted by a ‘yet’ or a ‘but’. It is better to use a
‘yet’ because it links the two sentences in a better fashion.
Example 2.
 Often we (_______) ourselves of the pleasure of making friends with the stars and shut our eyes to the glories of the heavens
above because we do not realise how simple a matter it is to become acquainted with the various groups of stars as they cross our
meridian, one by one, day after day and month after month in the same orderly (_______).
(a) abandon, line (b) deprive, sequence
(c) fulfil, episode (d) strip, passage
Explanation (b): The sentence is talking about the beauty of constellations and how common man has ignored this. Thus, the first
blank should have a word that signifies ‘not getting, not obtaining, staying away’ which is highlighted in ‘deprive’. The second
blank talks about the movement of stars in a sequence, which makes the correct word: ‘sequence’.
Example 3.
 Let us (_______) then that the time we choose for our observation of the heavens is the last of the month while our charts are
given for the first of the month.
(a) suppose (b) wonder
(c) proclaim (d) believe
Explanation (a): The tone in the sentence is that of ‘opining, or speculating or conjecturing’. The correct word here is then ‘suppose’.
Example 4.
 Broadleaf woods are characterised by complex fibre conditions, absence (_______) resins, and greater weights.
(a) because of (b) of
(c) causing (d) by
Explanation (b): With ‘absence’, we use ‘of ’.
Example 5.
 Oak trees are (_______) by oblong, thin-shelled kernels, protruding from hard scaly cups and called acorns.
(a) seen (b) found
(c) characterized (d) differentiatedd
Explanation (c): The part of the sentence that follows the blank identifies characteristics of ‘oak trees’. Thus, the correct word is
Example 6.
Since her face was free of (_______) there was no way to (_______) if she appreciated what had happened.
(a) make-up, realise (b) expression, ascertain
(c) emotion, diagnose (d) scars, understand
Explanation (b): The second word can help us ascertain the correct option. Only ‘ascertain’ fits correctly there. All other options, viz.
‘realize’, ‘diagnose’ and ‘understand’ are not apt.
Example 7.
 In this context, the (_______) of the British labour movement is particularly (_______).
(a) affair, weird (b) activity, moving
(c) experience, significant (d) atmosphere, gloomy
Explanation (d): This one can be solved by finding out the correct fit for the first blank itself. ‘Atmosphere’ seems an apt fit, whereas
‘affair’ and ‘experience’ leave something to be desired. Option (b) is incorrect because of a weak first word.
Example 8.
The (_________) regions of Spain all have unique cultures, but the (_________) views within each region make the issue of an
acceptable common language of instruction an even more contentious one.
(a) different, competing (b) divergent, distinct
(c) distinct, disparate (d) different, discrete
Explanation (d): The second word choices are not tough and one can see that the speaker wants to talk about the different views that
are not converging or much less, not even overlapping. The apt word for this would be ‘discrete’.
Example 9.
Early (_________) of maladjustment to college culture is (_________) by the tendency to develop friendship networks outside
college which mask signals of maladjustment.
(a) prevention, helped
(b) identification, complicated
(c) detection, facilitated
(d) treatment, compounded
Explanation (b): Clearly, the sentence is trying to say that some people who have problems adjusting to college culture are difficult to
identify, because they tend to make friends outside the college, thereby hiding the other problems that are associated with living
without friends. This way, it is difficult to isolate them, because the symptoms are masked.
Example 10.
 The British retailer, M&S, today formally (_________) defeat in its attempt to (_________) King’s, its US subsidiary, since no
potential purchasers were ready to cough up the necessary cash.
(a) ratified, auction (b) announced, dispose
(c) conceded, offload (d) admitted, acquire
Explanation (c): A ‘subsidiary’ is used to imply a company that is owned by some other company. Option (c) is correct because
conceding means admitting, and offloading means taking the load off, which would mean giving away or selling the subsidiary
and thereby, removing all the controls that M&S has over this subsidiary. Option (a) is wrong because ratified is something
which is officially sanctioned or approved and saying that the company ‘formally officially approved defeat’ is redundant too.
An auction is a public selling of something to the highest bidder. This can be the right word for this blank, but ratified is
inappropriate for the first blank. Option (b) is wrong, because ‘dispose’ means ‘to get rid of ’. Option (c) is wrong, because acquire
means capture or gain, but the company is selling or giving away its subsidiary.
Example 11.
 This simplified (_________) to the decision-making process is a must read for anyone (_________) important real estate,
personal, or professional decisions.
(a) primer, maximizing (b) tract, enacting
(c) introduction, under (d) guide, facing
Explanation (b): The statement refers to something which simplified the process of making a decision, and this is important for
someone who is dealing with real estate, personal or professional decisions.
Option (b) is correct, because tract means a brief treatise on a subject of interest; the word enacting would be right, because it
means making something happen, which in this case would mean making decisions.
Option (a) is incorrect, because primer just means an introductory book. It cannot reveal an entire simplified approach to make
a decision. Also, ‘maximizing decisions’ does not make sense.
Option (c) is wrong because just an introduction cannot explain the entire decision making progress. Also, ‘under’ is wrong for
the second blank, because ‘under decisions’ is inappropriate.
Option (d) is wrong, because ‘facing’ refers to encountering or dealing, and one does not face decisions.
Example 12.
 Physicians may soon have (_________) to help paralysed people move their limbs by bypassing the (_________) nerves that
once controlled their muscles.
(a) instruments, detrimental
(b) ways, damaged
(c) reason, involuntary
(d) impediments, complex
Explanation (b): Option (b) is correct because the sentence means that physicians have found methods to help treat paralyzed
people. The right word for second blank is ‘damaged’, because paralyzed people are those who have lost the ability to move a
body part and hence the respective nerves of that part are in a damaged state. Option (a) is wrong because ‘detrimental’ refers to
something which has caused an injury. This cannot refer to muscles.
Option (c) is wrong, because using ‘reason’ in the sentence would make it illogical, because they are physicians and of course
they already have a reason to treat their patients, and anyway the sentence goes on to mention a way of treating them, not a reason.
‘Involuntary’ is used to describe something which is done without consciousness, control or will.
Option (d) is incorrect, because an ‘impediment’ is used to describe something which slows or blocks progress; and the word
‘complex’ is inappropriate, because complex would mean that nerves are complicated in structure.
Example 13.
The Internet is a medium where users have nearly (_________) choices and (_________) constraints about where to go and what
to do.
(a) unbalanced, nonexistent
(b) embarrassing, no
(c) unlimited, minimal
(d) choking, shocking
Explanation (c): We know that the Internet is a very useful medium in many aspects. It gives us a lot of choices with very few
constraints. Evidently, option (c) is the right answer.
Example 14.
 The best punctuation is that of which the reader is least conscious; for when punctuation, or lack of it, (_________) itself, it is
usually because it (_________).
(a) obtrudes, offends (b) enjoins, fails
(c) conceals, recedes (d) effaces, counts
Explanation (a): The speaker states that the best punctuation is one that the reader is not conscious about, or the one that goes
unnoticed. The next clause refers to something which is contrary to what has been mentioned. Option (a) is correct, because
obtrude means ‘to force, or impose on someone’, and offends refers to ‘causing resentment, or anything which is against the \
rules or laws’. So, this clause would then mean that: “when the punctuation imposes itself on the reader, it is generally because
it offends.”
Option (b) is wrong, because ‘to enjoin’ is ‘to give an order’.
Option (c) is wrong, because conceal means ‘to disguise, hold back or hide’. ‘Recede’ means ‘retreating or pulling back’. These
words would not help make sense of the sentence.
Option (d) is wrong, because ‘effaces’ means ‘removing or erasing by rubbing.’
Example 15.
The Athenians on the whole were peaceful and prosperous; they had (_________) to sit at home and think about the universe
and dispute with Socrates, or to travel abroad and (_________) the world.
(a) leisure, explore (b) time, ignore
(b) ability, suffer (d) temerity, understand
Explanation (a): Athenians refers to the ‘residents or citizens of the Greek city, Athens’. The speaker says that they were peaceful
(calm and tranquil) and prosperous (flourishing financially, or in materialistic terms). For the first blank, we have to pick what
attribute they had which enabled them to sit at home and think about the universe, dispute with Socrates and travel abroad.
‘Time’ (option (b)) and leisure (option (a)) would both be appropriate. The Athenians could do all these because they had
enough free time for it, but leisure is the more appropriate word here. ‘Ability’ refers to the quality to be able to do something, but
it can be argued that almost everyone has the ability to do such work. ‘Temerity’ is wrong, because it means audacity, the speaker
is just talking about spending time thinking, arguing or travelling. He is not talking about going to a war.
For the second blank now: when they would be travelling abroad, they would be ‘exploring’ it. ‘Ignore’ seems logically incorrect
and the same can be said about the word ‘suffer’. ‘Understand’ can also be correct, but then ‘temerity’ as explained earlier is the wrong
word. Hence, only option (a) is right.
Example 16.
Their achievement in the field of literature is described as (_________), sometimes it is even called (_________).
(a) magnificent, irresponsible
(b) insignificant, influential
(c) significant, paltry
(d) unimportant, trivial
Explanation (d): The given statement is informing how the achievement of a group of people to literature is described. The second
clause refers to something which would be of a higher degree or intensity to what has been mentioned, so for that to be true,
both words would be similar, differing only in degree, with the second one being of a higher degree than the other. Only option
(d) has such words.
Example 17.
 From the time she had put her hair up, every man she had met had grovelled before her and she had acquired a mental attitude
toward the other sex which was a blend of (_________) and (_________).
(a) admiration, tolerance
(b) indifference, contempt
(c) impertinence, temperance
(d) arrogance, fidelity
Explanation (b): The speaker is describing a woman in front of whom every man grovelled (showed submission). We can say that
she captivated men and they admired her. She would definitely have the opinion that men easily fall for women and that they
are superficial.
Option (b) is correct, because indifference means not showing interest. Seeing that she does not have to do anything to impress
men, the woman might have developed an indifferent attitude towards them. The other word is contempt (feeling of disrespect and
dislike) which could arise from thinking that men are superficial.
Option (a) is wrong, because admiration refers to liking something, and tolerance refers to accepting something or someone
even if you do not like or respect it. This word could fit in, but ‘admiration’ is not the right word for the first blank.
Option (c) is wrong, because ‘impertinence’ means insolence or cheekiness and temperance means restraint and moderation.
Option (d) is wrong, because arrogance refers to an overbearing pride, which could be right, but the other word is ‘fidelity’ which
is the quality of being faithful and does not fit in the blank.
Example 18.
 Every human being, after the first few days of his life, is a product of two factors: on the one hand, there is his (_________)
endowment; and on the other hand, there is the effect of environment, including (_________).
(a) constitutional; weather
(b) congenital; education
(c) personal; climate
(d) economic; learning
(e) genetic; pedagogy
Explanation (b): The given statement is about what affects human beings in the primary years of their lives. ‘Endowment’ refers to
‘natural abilities or qualities’, so the word congenital and genetic can fit in. ‘Congenital’ refers to what is present at the time of
birth, but not necessarily inherited, and genetic refers to something that is related to genes or produced by a gene. ‘constitutional’
refers to something that is related to or is of a constitution; ‘personal’ means something that one owns and ‘economic’ is what is
related to the economy.
For the second blank, the phrase ‘on the other hand’ means ‘something that will be mentioned ahead will be contrasting to what
has been mentioned already’. Education is the right word, because it is what affects an individual. Weather does not make any sense,
and similarly climate can be ruled out. ‘Learning’ can be ruled out too as learning is done by the self, but education is what is taught
by others, which has a major effect in shaping an individual. Pedagogy means the principles or methods of instruction, so this may
also be a factor, but education is a broader and more appropriate word. Hence, option (b) is correct. 

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