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Engish Sample questions for IB ACIO,IBPS,SSC,CDS and other upcoming examinations ,2017

Analogy :

1.Cistern : Water
1) House : Family
2) Cup : Tea
3) Vase : Water
4) Book : Knowledge
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 2)
Explanation: first is used to hold the second.

2.Animal : Menagerie
1) Painting : Museum
2) Flowers : Pot
3) Milk : Glass
4) Grapes : Bunch
Answer & Explanation
Answer –1)
Explanation: Second is the place where the first is kept for exhibition.

3.Preamble : Constitution
1) Word : Dictionary
2) Contents : Magazine
3) Explanation : Poetry
4) Preface : Book
Answer & Explanation
Answer –1)
Explanation: Preamble is the introduction to the constitution, similarly, preface is the introduction to a book.

4.Authenticity : Apocryphal
1) Integrity : Hypocritical
2) Assertiveness : Dogmatic
3) Artifice : Deceptive
4) Wickedness : Nefarious
Answer & Explanation
Answer –1)
Explanation: second is the one who lacks the first.

5.Grain : Salt
1) Chip : Glass
2) Blades : Grass
3) Shred : Wood
4) Shred : Pottery
Answer & Explanation
Answer –1)
Explanation: Salt consists of grains and glass is made up of chips.

6.Pharaohs : Egypt
1) Socrates : Greece
2) Kings : India
3) Imperator : Rome
4) Government : State
Answer & Explanation
Answer –2)
Explanation: The ruler of egypt were known as pharaohs. Similarly, the rulers of india were known as kings.

7.Utopia : English
1) Odyssey : Greek
2) Tulsidas : Sanskrit
3) Monalisa :English
4) Dante : Latin
Answer & Explanation
Answer –1)
Explanation: Utopia is a famous work of English literature. Similarly odyssey is a work of Greek literature.

8.Revolution : Change
1) Disease : Medicine
2) Famous : Notorious
3) Food : Energy
4) Treaty : peace
Answer & Explanation
Answer –4)
Explanation: First results in the second.

9.Racism : Apartheid
1) Sexism : Chauvinism
2) Parochialism : Linguist
3) Nationalism : Identity
4) Communalism : Religion
Answer & Explanation
Answer –1)
Explanation: The words in each pair are synonyms of each other.

10.Waiter : Tip
1) Students : Marks
2) Worker : Bonus
3) Employee : Wages
4) Clerk : Jurors
Answer & Explanation
Answer –2)
Explanation: Second is the additional money given to the first for good service.

11.Dubious : Certain
1) Hot : Angry
2) Cold : Warm
3) Long : Elongated
4) Short : Dwarfish
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 2)
Explanation : The words in each pair are other antonyms of each other.

12.Yen : Currency
1) Brass : Mental
2) Flower : Fragrance
3) Paper : Book
4) Karnataka : State
Answer & Explanation
Answer –4)
Explanation: Yen is a currency. Similarly, Karnatka is a state.

13.Bridge : Card
1) Dam : River
2) Gamble : Money
3) Image : mirror
4) Fencing : Sword
Answer & Explanation
Answer –4)
Explanation: The game of bridge of played by cards. Similarly, the game of fencing is played by swords.

14.Banyan tree : proproots
1) Potato : tuber
2) Climbers : Tendrils
3) Ginger : Stem
4) Spinach : Root
Answer & Explanation
Answer –2)
Explanation: Second provides support to the first.

15.Rehearsal : Performances
1) Entrapment : Game
2) Engagement : Marriage
3) Applause : Audience
4) Satisfaction : Appetite
Answer & Explanation
Answer –2)
Explanation: First is followed by the second.

16.Wind : Gale
1) Disgust : Infatuation
2) Storm : Sea
3) Love : passion
4) Disaster : Calamity
Answer & Explanation
Answer –3)
Explanation: Second is a more intense from the first.

17.War : destruction
1) Fire : Burn
2) Court : Justice
3) Water : Drown
4) Food : Hunger
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 1)
Explanation: First causes the second.

18.Propencity : Tendency
1) Prologue : Epilogue
2) Master : Slave
3) Audacity : Impudence
4) Conduct : Immorality
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3)
Explanation : The words in each pair are synonyms of each other.

19.Sneer : Contempt
1) Grimace : Pain
2) Snarl :: Restlessness
3) Mourn : Frustration
4) Joke : Happiness
Answer & Explanation
Explanation: Sneer is a sign of contempt. Similarly , grimace is a sign of pain.

20.East  : Orient
1)North  : Polar
2)North  : tropic
3)South  : Capricorn
4)West  : Occident
Answer & Explanation
Answer –4)
Explanation: Second is another name for the first.

Fill in the blanks  along with double and triple fillers :

21.The Centre would like us to believe that the Smart Cities Mission will transform urban life in the______________that enter the elite club.
1) expatriation
2) agglomerations
3) dispersal
4) dispersion’s
5) dismissal
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 2)
Explanation: agglomerations – a mass or collection of things; an assemblage.

22.The frail nature of rural India’s health systems and the______________patient load on a few______________hospitals have become even more evident from the crisis at the Baba Raghav Das Medical College in Gorakhpur.
1) shatterable, walkover
2) brittle, lucid
3) extraordinary, referral
4) crisp, elementary
5) shivery, facile
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3)
Explanation: extraordinary – very unusual or remarkable.
referral – an act of referring someone or something for consultation, review, or further action

23.Making street-level waste management data public would lead to a heat map of the worst sites,______________managers to solve the problem.
1) contravene
2) hamstring
3) perceptible
4) compelling
5) auricular
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 4)
Explanation: compelling – evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way.

24.The______________aspects of the system are______________from the Comptroller and Auditor General’s report on reproductive and child health under the National Rural Health Mission for the year ended March 2016.
1) dysfunctional, evident
2) intact, disequilibration
3) harmed, assets
4) instability, unscathed
5) disequilibrium, receipts
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 1)
Explanation: dysfunctional – not operating normally or properly.
evident – clearly seen or understood; obvious.

25.It would be smart, for instance, to use______________to estimate the flow of vehicles and pedestrians, and create smartphone applications for the public to report on a variety of parameters.
1) discernible
2) metropolitan
3) irresponsibility
4) sensors
5) acoustics
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 4)
Explanation: sensors – a device which detects or measures a physical property and records, indicates, or otherwise responds to it.

26.The Centre has set______________health goals for 2020 and is in the process of deciding the financial______________for various targets under the National Health Mission, including reduction of the infant mortality rate to 30 per 1,000 live births, from the recent______________of 40.
1) honorarium, deduct, satisfied
2) ambitious, outlay, estimate
3) content, fulfilled, unassuming
4) avails, withhold, diminish
5) withdraw, detract, decrease
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 2)
Explanation: ambitious – having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.
outlay – an amount of money spent on something.
estimate – roughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity, or extent of.

27.As debt burdens soar from Italy to Greece, investors will take fright, populist politicians will gain ground, and—sooner rather than later—the euro will______________.
1) rigirous
2) righteous
3) veracious
4) impeccable
5) collapse
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5)
Explanation: collapse – (of a structure) suddenly fall down or give way.

28.In the absence of______________mutual support, there was an aura of last-ditch desperation when, in March 2015, the European Central Bank announced an______________program of purchasing government debt.
1) continuance, discard
2) increase, protraction
3) generous, ambitious
4) greedy, slight
5) stingy, scorn
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3)
Explanation: generous – showing a readiness to give more of something, especially money, than is strictly necessary or expected.
ambitious – having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.

29.By the next morning, senior ECB officials were______________as saying that Draghi’s remarks had been overinterpreted – and the euro fell.
1) bending
2) quoted
3) perpetuating
4) postscript
5) pliable
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 2)
Explanation: quoted

30.The French and the Italians have______________structural reforms, while the Germans have insisted on too much______________.
1) capitulated, certainty
2) dodged, austerity
3) exhausted, divest
4) accosted, crustily
5) withstand, consistently
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 2)
Explanation: dodged – avoid (someone or something) by a sudden quick movement.
austerity – sternness or severity of manner or attitude.

Fill in the blanks with suitable phrase.

31.They’re finding it increasingly difficult to get through since their daughter was born.
1) get down
2) get by
3) get by with
4) get by on
5) No correction required.
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 2)
Explanation: ‘get by’ is the correct use. “get by” means “Have just enough money to live on

32.We are going up against the best soccer team in the city tonight.
1) going against
2) going in battling
3) going down fighting
4) going towards
5) No correction required.
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5)
Explanation: No correction required.
Going up against – To confront; face; challenge

33.I’m getting too old for this I’m going to hang it on starting next month.
1) Hang it up
2) Hang up on
3) Hang onto
4) Hang out for
5) No correction required.
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 1)
Explanation: ‘Hang it up’ is the correct use. “Hang it up” means “Retire, quit.”

34.He was obsessed with computer games but the he grow out off them.
1) Grew in
2) Grew together
3) Grew out of
4) Grew on
5) No correction required.
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3)
Explanation: ‘grew out of’ is the correct use. “grew out of” means “Lose interest as you grow older or become more mature.”

35.If I could chip on, there are a couple of issues I’d like to raise.
1) chip of
2) chip up
3) chip at
4) chip in
5) No correction required.
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 4)
Explanation: Chip in – Contribute to a discussion.

36.The lecture was boring and my mind wandered of after ten minutes.
1) Waltz through
2) Wash down
3) Want out
4) wandered off
5) No correction required.
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 4)
Explanation: Wander off – Stop paying attention.

37.He stared at the front, but got tired and dropped after as the race went on.
1) Dropped with
2) dropped back
3) Dropped away
4) Dropped by
5) No correction required.
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 2)
Explanation: Drop back – Move towards the back of a group.

38.The magazine gives you tips on how to Frighten away your home cheaply.
1) Front off
2) Front for
3) Frighten off
4) Freshen up
5) No correction required.
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 4)
Explanation: Freshen up – Quickly improve the appearance of something.

39.The boat keeled of in the storm and the crew drowned.
1) keeled at
2) keeled up
3) keeled over
4) keeled out
5) No correction required.
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3)
Explanation: Keeled over – Turn upside down.

40.They’re not arriving until Thursday, which fits in with my schedule for the week.
1) fit up
2) Flag down
3) Fit out with
4) Fit into
5) No correction required.
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5)
Explanation: No correction required.
Fit in with – Be convenient or occur conveniently

Rearrange the following sentences in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph then answer the following questions.

A. And so the story goes on in our working and home lives, as we grow older.
B. George Patton Jr said, “I don’t measure man’s success by how high he climbs, but how high he bounces back when he hits the bottom.”
C. As a child, we were frustrated by not getting things that we wanted dearly.
D. Stages of life are soaked with such experiences.
E. In youth we may have been bullied and rejected.
F. Emotional and physical setbacks often overwhelm us.

41.Which would be the Second sentence after Rearrangement?
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 4.F

42.Which would be the Fifth sentence after Rearrangement?
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3.E

43.Which would be the First sentence after Rearrangement?
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5.B

44.Which would be the Third sentence after Rearrangement?
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3.D

45.Which would be Fourth sentence after Rearrangement?
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3.C

II. Rearrange the following sentences in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph then answer the following questions.

A. Nor have researchers asked non-ousted tribals if they might actually want to be ousted and garner the benefits of modernisation
B. Millions of words have been written on the woes of people forcibly displaced by dams, of whom tribal oustees (who lose access to forest produce and grazing) suffer most
C. Such studies do not clearly distinguish temporary from long-run impacts, or assess what living standards might have been without the dam
D. arguably the most controversial dam ever in India
E. Many research projects have tried to assess the impact on tribals ousted by the Sardar Sarovar Dam in Gujarat,
F. The counter-criticism is that these activists are denying tribals the right to development

46.Which is the Fourth sentence after Rearrangement?
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5.D

47.Which is the First sentence after Rearrangement?
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 2.B

48.Which is the Fifth sentence after Rearrangement?
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 2.C

49.Which is the Second sentence after Rearrangement?
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5.F

50.Which is the Third sentence after Rearrangement?
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 2.E
Answer & Explanation
Correct sequence – 1
A. George Patton Jr said, “I don’t measure man’s success by how high he climbs, but how high he bounces back when he hits the bottom.”
B. Emotional and physical setbacks often overwhelm us.
C. Stages of life are soaked with such experiences.
D. As a child, we were frustrated by not getting things that we wanted dearly.
E. In youth we may have been bullied and rejected.
F. And so the story goes on in our working and home lives, as we grow older.
Answer & Explanation
Correct sequence – 2
A. Millions of words have been written on the woes of people forcibly displaced by dams, of whom tribal oustees (who lose access to forest produce and grazing) suffer most
B. The counter-criticism is that these activists are denying tribals the right to development
C. Many research projects have tried to assess the impact on tribals ousted by the Sardar Sarovar Dam in Gujarat,
D. arguably the most controversial dam ever in India
E. Such studies do not clearly distinguish temporary from long-run impacts, or assess what living standards might have been without the dam

F. Nor have researchers asked non-ousted tribals if they might actually want to be ousted and garner the benefits of modernisation

Spotting the Error :

51.We can count on technological / innovation to continue / in an even more rapid pace / than in previous generations.
1) We can count on technological
2) innovation to continue
3) in an even more rapid pace
4) than in previous generations
5) No error
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3)
Explanation: it should be “at” instead of “in”

52.The preposition “at” used to point out specific time, a place, or an activity.
The US action last month was a / step toward a more stable and open / multi-stakeholder Internet of the type / that the Global Commission applaud.
1) The US action last month was a
2) step toward a more stable and open
3) multi-stakeholder Internet of the type
4) that the Global Commission applaud
5) No error
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 4)
Explanation: it should be applauded instead of applaud.

53.Given sentence is from past tense so applauded will be appropriate.
While the original Internet / linked computers entirely / in the US, today’s Internet connects / billions of people worldwide.
1) While the original Internet
2) linked computers entirely
3) in the US, today’s Internet connects
4) billions of people worldwide
5) No error
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5)
Explanation: No error
Given sentence is correct.

54.In the Commission’s third scenario, / a healthy Internet provide / unprecedented opportunities / for innovation and economic growth.
1) In the Commission’s third scenario
2) a healthy Internet provide
3) unprecedented opportunities
4) for innovation and economic growth
5) No error
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 2)
Explanation: it should be provides instead of provide.
“s” on the end of a verb in present tense to agree with the singular subject .

55.China has the largest number of / Internet users, but its “Great / Fire Wall” has created barrier / with parts of the outside world.
1) China has the largest number of
2) Internet users, but its “Great
3) Fire Wall” has created barrier
4) with parts of the outside world
5) No error
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3)
Explanation: It should be barriers instead of barrier.
“s” on the end of a verb in present tense to agree with the singular subject .

56.Internet users will be appropriate.
All they see are massive, unbending / institutions and intolerable / inequalities in wealth / and income, and they blame globalization.
1) All they see are massive, unbending
2) institutions and intolerable
3) inequalities in wealth
4) and income, and they blame globalization
5) No error
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5)
Explanation: No error
Given sentence is correct.

57.The anti-globalization movements’ / proposed solution – closing national / borders for trade, people, or / anything else – thus makes little sense.
1) The anti-globalization movements’
2) proposed solution – closing national
3) borders for trade, people, or
4) anything else – thus makes little sense
5) No error
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3)
Explanation: Replace “for” with “to”
“to” Used to indicate the place, person, or thing that someone or something moves toward, or the direction of something so “to” will be appropriate.

58.The problem is that five billions / people around the world / are not documented in national ledgers / in anything approaching an organized manner.
1) The problem is that five billions
2) people around the world
3) are not documented in national ledgers
4) in anything approaching an organized manner
5) No error
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 1)
Explanation: Replace “five billions” with “five Billion”
Five billion is appropriate.

59.You say a, one, two, several, etc. billion without a final ‘s’ on ‘billion’. Billions (of…) can be used if there is no number or quantity before it.
Under these conditions, it is impossible for / the majority of humanity to participate / effectively in its national / economies, much less the global one.
1) Under these conditions, it is impossible for
2) the majority of humanity to participate
3) effectively in its national
4) economies, much less the global one.
5) No error
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3)
Explanation: Replace “its” with “their”
Use their for humanity.
Both its and their are pronouns. While its is a singular pronoun, their is a plural pronoun. their will be appropriate.

60.Experience in Japan, the United States, and / Europe shows that a straightforward / legal approach to ensuring equal rights / and opportunities can be take a century or more.
1) Experience in Japan, the United States, and
2) Europe shows that a straightforward
3) legal approach to ensuring equal rights
4) and opportunities can be take a century or more.
5) No error
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 4)

Explanation: Omit ‘be’. it is inappropriate,It should be “can take” instead of “can be take”.

In each of the following questions four words are given, of which two words are most nearly the same or opposite meaning. Find out the two words which are the most nearly or same meaning.

61.A. venom
B. abysmal
C. bottomless
D. antipathy
1) B – A
2) C – A
3) B – C
4) B – D
5) D – C
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3)
Explanation: B – C both are synonyms.
Abysmal – extremely bad; appalling.

A. Candid
B. cunning
C. surge
D. patron
1) B – A
2) C – A
3) C – B
4) B – D
5) D – C
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 1)
Explanation: B – A both are Antonyms.
Candid – truthful and straightforward; frank.
Cunning – having or showing skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit or evasion.

A. agony
B. pleasure
C. odium
D. trick
1) B – A
2) C – A
3) C – B
4) B – D
5) D – C
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 1)
Explanation: B – A both are Antonyms.
Agony – extreme physical or mental suffering.
Pleasure – a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment.

A. precise
B. lenient
C. vague
D. wrest
1) B – A
2) C – A
3) C – B
4) B – D
5) D – C
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 2)
Explanation: C – A are Antonyms.
Precise – marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail.
Vague – of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.

A. invective
B. exhaust
C. invigorates
D. acclamation
1) B – A
2) C – A
3) C – B
4) B – D
5) D – A
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3)
Explanation: B – C are Antonyms.
Exhaust – make (someone) feel very tired.
Invigorates – give strength or energy to.

A. laconic
B. concise
C. obscene
D. indecent
1) B – A
2) C – A
3) C – B
4) B – D
5) D – C
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 4)
Explanation: A – B are synonyms.
laconic – (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words.
Concise –  giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.

A. narrative
B. recital
C. coarse
D. rough
1) B – A
2) C – A
3) C – B
4) B – D
5) D – C
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5)
Explanation: C – D both are synonyms.
Coarse – rough or harsh in texture.

A. callous
B. sensitive
C. surge
D. patron
1) B – A
2) C – A
3) C – B
4) B – D
5) D – C
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 1)
Explanation: A – B both are Antonyms.
Callous – showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others.
Sensitive – quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals, or influences.

A. ascribe
B. trite
C. commonplace
D. implement
1) B – A
2) C – A
3) C – B
4) B – D
5) D – C
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 3)
Explanation: C – B are synonyms.
Trite – (of a remark or idea) lacking originality or freshness; dull on account of overuse.

B. odium
C. rigid
D. coddle
1) B – A
2) C – A
3) C – B
4) B – D
5) D – A
Answer & Explanation
Answer – 5)
Explanation: D – A are antonyms.
Rigid – unable to bend or be forced out of shape; not flexible.
Coddle – treat (someone) in an indulgent or overprotective way.

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