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Vedic Period and Religious Movements For WBPSC,SSC,CDS etc

1. Vedic literature is also known as :
(a) Shruti (b) Smriti
(c) Sanhita (d) Vedanga
2. Who was the founder of Vedic culture?
(a) Dravid (b) Arya
(c) Harappan (d) None of these
3. The word ‘Aryan’ denotes :
(a) Ethnic group (b) Nomadic people
(c) Speech group (d) Superior race
4. The staple food of the Vedic Aryan was :
(a) Barley and rice
(b) Rice and pulse
(c) Vegetables and fruits
(d) Milk and its products
5. Who is the most important God in Rigaveda?
(a) Agni (b) Indra
(c) Varun (d) Vishnu
6. Who wrote a book ‘Return of the Aryans’ ?
(a) Bhagvan Das Gidvani
(b) L.D. Kalla
(c) Avinash Chandra Das
(d) D.S. Trivedi
7. Which river has not been mentioned in Rigveda?
(a) Sindhu (b) Saraswati
(c) Narmada (d) Tapti
8. Which of the following is the major impact of
Vedic culture on Indian history?
(a) Progress of philosophy
(b) Development of culture
(c) Rigidification of caste system
(d) Perception of a new world
9. Which of the following Vedic deities is not
mentioned in the Boghazkoi inscription ?
(a) Indra (b) Agni
(c) Mitra (d) Varun
10. Who of the following was the God of morality
during the Rigvedic times?
(a) Indra (b) Rudra
(c) Agni (d) Varuna
11. The river Chenab was known during the Vedic
period by the name :
(a) Askini (b) Parushni
(c) Shutudri (d) Vitasta
12. Which one of the following assemblies was also
called Narishta meaning a resolution that cannot
be broken?
(a) Gana (b) Vidhata
(c) Sabha (d) Samiti
13. Which of the following does not come under
Shruti literature?
(a) Brahmana (b) Vedanga
(c) Aranyaka (d) Upanishad
14. The Vedic river Vitasta has been identified with :
(a) Ravi (b) Jhelum
(c) Chenab (d) Beas
15. Which of the following Brahmana texts belongs
to Atharvaveda?
(a) Shatpatha (b) Aitareya
(c) Gopatha (d) Panchavinsh
16. Who of the following led the confederacy of ten
kings against Sudasa?
(a) Vishwamitra (b) Bharadwaja
(c) Vashistha (d) Atri
17. Dasarajana was :
(a) Ten incarnations of Vishnu
(b) A sacrifice to be performed by the king
(c) Battle of ten kings
(d) None of these
18. Which part of Rigveda gives an account of the
origin of the Universe?
(a) Second Mandala (b) Fourth Mandala
(c) Ninth Mandala (d) Tenth Mandala
19. The famous ‘Battle of Kings’ between Bharat and
the host of ten kings was fought near the river :
(a) Sindhu (b) Saraswati
(c) Parushni (d) Vitasta
20. Which one of the following Vedic Gods depicts
an association with the Sun?
(a) Ashvin (b) Pushan
(c) Indra (d) Brihaspati
21. Which of the following is concerned with origin
of Indian medicine?
(a) Rigveda (b) Samveda
(c) Yajurveda (d) Atharveda
22. Which one of the following is described in
(a) Dharma (b) Yoga
(c) Philosophy (d) Law
23. Which of the following Purusarthas is not a part
of Trivarga?
(a) Artha (b) Dharma
(c) Moksha (d) Kama
24. Who of the following has opened that the original
homeland of the Aryan was Arctic region?
(a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(b) Max Muller
(c) Dayanand Saraswati
(d) A.C. Das
25. In Rigveda, maximum number of shlokas are
written in the memory of :
(a) Indra (b) Brahma
(c) Vishnu (d) Shiva
26. How many times does the word ‘Jana’ occur in
the Rigveda?
(a) 75 times (b) 175 times
(c) 275 times (d) 375 times
27. Which of the following assemblies was normally
involved in the election of king?
(a) Sabha (b) Samiti
(c) Gana (d) Vidatha
28. The expounder of Yoga philosophy was :
(a) Patanjali (b) Shankaracharya
(c) Jaimini (d) Gautam
29. The word Gotra occurs for the first time in :
(a) Rigveda (b) Samveda
(c) Yajurveda (d) Atharveda
30. The word Visamatta was used in the latter Vedic
Age for :
(a) The king (b) The priest
(c) The trader (d) The tax collector
31. In the Vedic Period, which animal was known as
(a) Bull (b) Sheep
(c) Cow (d) Elephant
32. Which of the following Samhitas of Yajurveda
contains only hymns and no prose?
(a) Katha (b) Maitrayaviya
(c) Taittriya (d) Vajasaneyi
33. The game of ‘dice’ was part of the ritual of :
(a) Agnistoma (b) Aswamegha
(c) Rajasuya (d) Vajapeya
34. The rivers Ganga and Yamuna are mentioned for
the first time in :
(a) Rigveda
(b) Atharvaveda
(c) Satapath Brahmana
(d) Chhandogya Upanishad
35. The Gayatri Mantra is dedicated to :
(a) Indra (b) Aditi
(c) Gayatri (d) Savitri
36. Who among the following was a Brahmavadini
that composed some hymns of the Vedas?
(a) Lopamudra (b) Gargi
(c) Leelavati (d) Savitri
37. The river most mentioned in Rigveda is :
(a) Sindhu (b) Sutudri
(c) Saraswati (d) Gandaki
38. The famous dialogue between Nachiketa and
Yama is mentioned in the :
(a) Chhandogyopanishad
(b) Mundakopnishad
(c) Kathopanishad
(d) Kenopanishad
39. The flood Legend in which a divine fish has been
described as rescuing Manu occurs in detail in :
(a) Rigveda samhita
(b) Vajasaneyi samhita
(c) Satapatha Brahmana
(d) Aitareya Brahmana
40. Which of the following is the Samhita of the
Shukla Yajurveda?
(a) Kathaka Samhita
(b) Maitrayaniya Samhita
(c) Taittiriya Samhita
(d) Vajasaneyi Samhita
41. Who was the priest of the Bharatas in the battle of
ten kings?
(a) Visvamitra (b) Vasishtha
(c) Atri (d) Bhrigu
42. To which Sakha does the published Rigveda
Samhita belong?
(a) Sawnaka (b) Asvalayan
(c) Sakala (d) Sankhayana
43. Satpatha Brahmana is related to :
(a) Rigveda (b) Yajurveda
(c) Samaveda (d) Atharvaveda
44. King Asvapati of the Upanishadic Age was the
ruler of :
(a) Kekaya (b) Matsya
(c) Panchala (d) Sursena
45. Which of the following Upnishads is written in
(a) Isa (b) Katha
(c) Brihadaranyaka (d) Svetasvatara
46. Who among the following Vedic deities bears
resemblance with Avestan God ‘Ahurmazda’ ?
(a) Indra (b) Varuna
(c) Rudra (d) Vishnu
47. Who among the following was a commentator of
the Manusmriti ?
(a) Asahaya (b) Visvarupa
(c) Bhattasvami (d) Medhatithi
48. Which of the following is also called
Adharvayuveda ?
(a) Rigveda (b) Yajurveda
(c) Samveda (d) Atharveda
49. Which of the following Mandalas is completely
devoted to the Vedic God Soma ?
(a) 1 (b) 5
(c) 9 (d) 10
50. With whom is the Yadu tribe mostly paired in the
(a) Anu (b) Druhyu
(c) Turvasu (d) Puru
51. The earliest reference to Devakiputra Krishna
occurs in :
(a) Rigveda
(b) Atharvaveda
(c) Satapatha Brahmana
(d) Chhandogya Upnishad
52. Which one of the following primarily deals with
the construction of sacrificial altars?
(a) Brahmasutra (b) Dharmasutra
(c) Grihyasutra (d) Sulvasutra
53. In the Rigveda, the first hymn of a Mandala is
often addressed to :
(a) Agni (b) Indra
(c) Mitra (d) None of these
54. Who is the propounder of the theory that the
Rigvedic Aryans and the Harappans might have
been the same people?
(a) R.S. Sharma (b) Romila Thapar
(c) B.B. Lal (d) H.D. Sankalia
55. Who was the most celebrated craftsman in the
Vedic Age?
(a) Carpenter (b) Coppersmith
(c) Goldsmith (d) Weaver
56. A story of Sunahsesha, in which his father Ajigarta
is stated to have sold him to Harishchandra,
occurs in :
(a) Aitareya Brahmana
(b) Gopatha Brahmana
(c) Svetasvatara Upnishad
(d) Brihadaranyaka Upnishad
57. Which of the following Upnisads includes
Itihasa-Purana in the list of subjects to be taught
to disciples?
(a) Mundaka Upnishad
(b) Chhandogya Upnishad
(c) Prasna Upnishad
(d) Katha Upnishad
58. Which of the following Mandalas of Rigveda is
described the battle of ten kings?
(a) Second Mandala (b) Fifth Mandala
(c) Seventh Mandala (d) Ninth Mandala
59. Who among the following wrote Sanskrit
(a) Panini (b) Manu
(c) Kalidasa (d) Charak
60. Who wrote the first textbook on Jyotis?
(a) Panini (b) Patanjali
(c) Katyayan (d) Bhrigu
61. Ashtadhyayi was written by :
(a) Panini (b) Katyayan
(c) Vedvyas (d) Shukadeva
62. The words “Satyameva Jayate” in the state
emblem of India have been adopted from which
one of the following?
(a) Mundaka Upnishad
(b) Katha Upnishad
(c) Mandukya Upnishad
(d) Chhandogya Upnishad
63. The great law given of ancient time was :
(a) Vatsyayana (b) Ashoka
(c) Manu (d) Panini
64. Which of the following Upnishad is the earliest?
(a) Chhandogya Upanishad
(b) Mundakopnishad
(c) Brihdaranyak Upanishad
(d) Taitariya Upanishad
65. The largest number of Rigvedic hymns are
devoted to :
(a) Agni (b) Indra
(c) Rudra (d) Vishnu
66. During the Rigvedic period, ‘Niska’ was an
ornament of :
(a) Ear (b) Neck
(c) Arm (d) Wrist
67. Which of the following were regarded as the hub
of Aryan culture during the later Vedic period?
(a) Anga and Magadh
(b) Kosal and Videha
(c) Kuru and Panchal
(d) Matsya and Surasena
68. Which of the following inscriptions tells about
the Aryan’s movement from Iran to India?
(a) Mansehra (b) Shahbajgarhi
(c) Boghazkoi (d) Junagarh
69. Name the tribe which does not belong to the
Panchajana of Rigvedic Aryans?
(a) Yadu (b) Puru
(c) Turvasa (d) Kikat
70. In which of the Vedas, Sabha and Samiti are
called as two daughters of Prajapati?
(a) Rigveda (b) Samveda
(c) Yajurveda (d) Atharvaveda
71. The largest number of the Mantras in Rigveda
belong to :
(a) Agni (b) Varuna
(c) Vishnu (d) Rudra
72. Which of the following Upanishad is the smallest?
(a) Mundaka (b) Mandukya
(c) Katha (d) Taitariya
73. Which of the following Puranaa is the earliest?
(a) Matsya (b) Vishnu
(c) Bhagvat (d) Markandey
74. The economy of Rigvedic time was :
(a) Urban (b) Rural
(c) Mixed (d) None of these
75. Who among the following is regarded as War
God in Rigveda?
(a) Agni (b) Indra
(c) Surya (d) Varuna
76. Sayana the famous commentator of the Vedic
texts, was patronised by :
(a) Parmara rulers (b) Satvahana rulers
(c) Vijaynagar rulers (d) Vakataka rulers
77. Which of the following rivers is referred to
as Matetama, Devitama and Naditama in the
(a) Sindhu (b) Saraswati
(c) Ganga (d) Yamuna
78. The word Yava mentioned in Rigveda is used for
which agricultural product?
(a) Barley (b) Gram
(c) Rice (d) Wheat
79. Buddha means :
(a) The enlightened one
(b) The religious preacher
(c) The genius
(d) The powerful
80. Gautam Buddha attained Mahaparinirvana at
(a) Kapilvastu (b) Kushinagar
(c) Bodhgaya (d) Rajgriha
81. The second Buddhist council was held during the
region of
(a) Ajatashatru (b) Kanishka
(c) Kalashoka (d) Ashoka
82. Who is supposed to be the future Buddha in
Mahayana Buddhism?
(a) Krakuchanda (b) Amitabha
(c) Maitreya (d) Kanak Muni
83. Where did the Mahasamghika school arise ?
(a) Bodhagaya (b) Rajagriha
(c) Sravasti (d) Vaishali
84. Which of the following is not a text of Buddhism?
(a) Jatakas (b) Acharanga Sutra
(c) Digh Nikaya (d) Sumangalavilasini
85. Where was the order of nuns established by
Gautama Buddha ?
(a) Kapilvastu (b) Vaishali
(c) Rajgriha (d) Sravasti
86. The earliest epigraphic evidence mentioning the
birth place of Sakyamuni Buddha is obtained
(a) Sarnath (b) Sravasti
(c) Kausambi (d) Rummindei
87. What is Kalyan Mitra in Buddhist philosophy?
(a) Prabandhan (b) Dharmachakra
(c) Astangika Marg (d) Triratna
88. To whom of his following disciples did Buddha
preach his last sermon?
(a) Anand (b) Sariputra
(c) Subhadra (d) Upali
89. Main element (features) of Buddhist philosophy
(a) Pratitya Samutpad (b) Jiva and Ajiva
(c) Syadvada (d) Triratna
90. In which language, did Mahavir Swami deliver
his sermons?
(a) Sanskrit (b) Ardha-Magadhi
(c) Vaidarbhi (d) Suraseni
91. The twenty-third Jain Tirthankara was associated
(a) Vaishali (b) Kausambi
(c) Varanasi (d) Sravasti
92. Which one among the following Tirthankaras
was according to the Svetamber tradition, a lady?
(a) Sumatinatha (b) Shantinatha
(c) Mallinatha (d) Arishtanemi
93. The teaching of Parsvanatha is collectively
known as
(a) Triratna (b) Pancha Mahavrata
(c) Panchsila (d) Chaturyama
94. The Jain Tirthankara Mahavira has been
mentioned in the early Buddhist literature as
(a) Nigantha Nataputta
(b) Vardhamana
(c) Vesaliya
(d) Videhaputta
95. The first meeting of Ghosal with Mahavir Swami
was held at
(a) Champa (b) Vaishali
(c) Takshshila (d) Nalanda
96. The Tripitaka was written in
(a) Brahmi (b) Kharosthi
(c) Pali (d) Sanskrit
97. Who amongst the following is known as the Light
of Asia?
(a) Jesus Christ
(b) Lord Buddha
(c) Prophet Mohammad
(d) Zarathustra
98. Who was the author of Buddha Charita?
(a) Asvaghosha (b) Nagarjuna
(c) Nagasen (d) Vasumitra
99. Which one of the following is not included in the
eight-fold path of Buddhism?
(a) Right speech (b) Right contemplation
(c) Right desire (d) Right conduct
100. Yapaniya was a school of
(a) Buddhism (b) Janism
(c) Shaivism (d) Vaisnavism
101. Buddha attained Mahaparinirvana in the republic
(a) Mallas (b) Lichhavis
(c) Shakyas (d) Palas
102. Where was the third Buddhist council held?
(a) Vaishali (b) Pataliputra
(c) Kashmir (d) Rajgriha
103. Which one of the following is not a part of early
Jains literature?
(a) Therigatha (b) Acarangasutra
(c) Sutrakritanga (d) Brihatkalpasutra
104. The concept of Anuvrata was advocated by
(a) Mahayana Buddhism
(b) Himayana Buddhism
(c) Jainism
(d) The Lokayata School
105. In the Mahayana Buddhism, the Bodhisatya
Avalokitesvar was also known as
(a) Vajrapani (b) Manjusri
(c) Padmapani (d) Maitreya
106. Who among the following was not a contemporary
of the other three?
(a) Bimbsara (b) Gautama Buddha
(c) Milinda (d) Prasenjit
107. The fourth Buddhist council was convened during
the region of king
(a) Ashoka (b) Kaniska
(c) Kalashok (d) Ajatasatru
108. Buddha was born at
(a) Lumbini (b) Kapilvastu
(c) Pataliputra (d) Vaishali
109. Name the clan Buddha belonged to
(a) Gnathrika (b) Maurya
(c) Shakya (d) Koliya
110. Who presided over the fourth Buddhist council in
(a) Asvagosha (b) Upagupta
(c) Vasumitra (d) Mahakasyapa
111. Who of the following was a contemporary of
Gautama Buddha?
(a) Bhadrabahu (b) Kalashok
(c) Parsvanath (d) Vardhaman Mahavir
112. Buddhist, Hindu and Jain Rock-cut caves coexist
(a) Ajanta (b) Elephanta
(c) Ellora (d) Karle
113. Lumbini was the birth place of Gautam Buddha is
attested by an inscription of
(a) Ashoka
(b) Pushyamitra Shunga
(c) Kanishka
(d) Harsha
114. At which place, did Gautam Buddha give his first
sermon ?
(a) Vaishali (b) Vallabhi
(c) Rajgriha (d) Sarnath
115. Sarnath is in the state of
(a) Kerala (b) Maharashtra
(c) Gujarat (d) Uttar Pradesh
116. Svetambara Agama was finally edited at the Jain
council of
(a) Vaishali (b) Vallabhi
(c) Pawa (d) Vidarbha
117. Which one of the following is considered the best
(a) Amravati (b) Bharhut
(c) Sanchi (d) Bodhgaya
118. The first Buddhist council was held during the
region of
(a) Aniruddha (b) Ajatsatru
(c) Bimbisara (d) Udayabhadra
119. The originator of the Jain religion is
(a) Rishabhdeo (b) Arya Sudharma
(c) Mahavir Swami (d) Parshvanath
120. The Stupa site not connected with any incident of
Buddha’s life is
(a) Sarnath (b) Sanchi
(c) Kushinagar (d) Bodhgaya
121. Anekantavada is a core theory and philosophy of
which one of the following?
(a) Buddhism (b) Jainism
(c) Sikhism (d) Vaishnavism
122. Milinda Panho is in the form of a dialogue
between the king Menander and Buddhist Monk
(a) Nagasena (b) Nagarjuna
(c) Nagabhatta (d) Kumarilbhatta
123. According to Boddhist, the main aim of life is
(a) Nirvana (b) Moksha
(c) Kaivalya (d) Nirjara
124. Which of the following principles was added to
Jainism by Mahavira?
(a) Satya (b) Ahinsa
(c) Brahmacharya (d) Aparigraha
125. Which of the following places is associated with
(a) Kapilvastu (b) Pava
(c) Sarnath (d) Sravasti
126. Who is believed by the Jainas to be the first
(a) Rishabhadeva (b) Mahavira
(c) Neminath (d) Parshvanath
127. Who was the teacher of Gautam Buddha?
(a) Gautam (b) Alara Kalam
(c) Asanga (d) Sudharman
128. Tripitaka texts are related with which religion?
(a) Vedic (b) Buddhism
(c) Jainism (d) Shaivism
129. Which of the following is not representation of
Buddhist art?
(a) Stupa (b) Vihar
(c) Chaitya (d) Relic tower
130. Who was the founder of Mahayan sect of
(a) Buddhadeva (b) Ghoshak
(c) Dharmtrat (d) Asang
131. Who founded the Lingayat Movement?
(a) Basava (b) Lakulisha
(c) Matsyendranath (d) Kulshekhar
132. Who was the founder of Pashupat Sampradaya?
(a) Kulshekhar (b) Lakulisha
(c) Bhavbhuti (d) Shambhunath
133. Who was the founder of Sunyavada?
(a) Asang (b) Basubandhu
(c) Vasumitra (d) Nagarjuna
134. Who was the founder of Vigyanvada or
(a) Ashvaghosh (b) Nagasen
(c) Maitreyanath (d) Aryadeva
135. Who was the founder of Aajivak Sampradaya?
(a) Puran Kasyapa (b) Makkali Gosala
(c) Aryadeva (d) Ajit Keskamblin
136. Who was the founder of Lokayat sect?
(a) Brihaspati (b) Manu
(c) Vigyaneswer (d) Pakudh Kachayan
137. Syadvad is a doctrine of
(a) Buddhism (b) Jainism
(c) Shaivism (d) Vaishnavism
138. Who became the chief of Jain Sangh after the
death of Mahavira?
(a) Indrabhuti (b) Jambu
(c) Sthulbhadra (d) Sudharma
139. Who among the following is given the credit of
carrying Jainism in South India?
(a) Indrabhuti (b) Sthulbhadra
(c) Bhadrabahu (d) Sudharma
140. Vikramshila Mahavihar was founded by
(a) Harsha (b) Gopal
(c) Kumarpal (d) Dharmapal
141. Mahavir was born at
(a) Kapilvastu (b) Lumbini
(c) Kundgram (d) Champa
142. Who was the last Tirthankara ?
(a) Mahavir Swami (b) Aristnemi
(c) Parshvanath (d) None of these
143. The first Jain council was convened during the
reign of
(a) Bimbisara
(b) Shisunaga
(c) Mahapadamnand
(d) Chandragupta Maurya
144. In which of the following places, Mahavir Swami
gave his first sermon?
(a) Vaishali (b) Rajgriha
(c) Nalanda (d) Champa
145. In which Jain council, Jain dharm was divided in
Svetamber and Digamber?
(a) First council (b) Second council
(c) Third council (d) Fourth council
146. Who was the president of first Jain council?
(a) Bhadrabahu (b) Sthalabahu
(c) Devardhigan (d) Nagarjuna Suri
147. Who was the author of Kalpsutra?
(a) Vasumitra (b) Hemchandra
(c) Bhadrabahu (d) Sthulbhadra
148. Mahavir Swami breathed his last at
(a) Rajgriha (b) Pawapuri
(c) Vaishali (d) Champa
149. The custom Santhara is related to which of the
following sects?
(a) Jain (b) Buddha
(c) Shaiva (d) Vaishnava
150. The first sermon of Buddha made at Saranath is
(a) Dharmachakra Parivartan
(b) Dharma Sansthapan
(c) Dharma Sabha
(d) Maha Parinirvan
151. In the Bhagawat religion, the number of forms of
(a) 10 (b) 9
(c) 4 (d) 5
152. Amaravati Stupa is situated in
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Karnataka
153. Mother of Gautam Buddha belonged to which
(a) Shakya dynasty (b) Maya dynasty
(c) Lichchavi dynasty (d) Koliyan dynasty
154. Who became the first follower of Mahavira?
(a) Jamali (b) Yashoda
(c) Aanojja (d) Trishala
155. Who installed the grand image of Gomateshwar
at Shravanbelgola?
(a) Chamundaraya (b) Krishna I
(c) Kumar Pal (d) Tejpal
156. Buddha is depicted on the coins of
(a) Wima Kadphises (b) Kanishka
(c) Nahapana (d) Budhgupta

Solutions :
1. (a) 21. (d) 41. (b) 61. (a) 81. (c) 101. (a) 121. (b) 141. (c)
2. (b) 22. (c) 42. (c) 62. (a) 82. (c) 102. (b) 122. (a) 142. (a)
3. (d) 23. (c) 43. (b) 63. (c) 83. (d) 103. (a) 123. (a) 143. (d)
4. (d) 24. (a) 44. (a) 64. (a) 84. (b) 104. (c) 124. (c) 144. (b)
5. (b) 25. (a) 45. (c) 65. (b) 85. (b) 105. (c) 125. (b) 145. (a)
6. (a) 26. (c) 46. (a) 66. (b) 86. (d) 106. (c) 126. (a) 146. (b)
7. (d) 27. (b) 47. (d) 67. (c) 87. (c) 107. (b) 127. (b) 147. (c)
8. (c) 28. (a) 48. (b) 68. (c) 88. (c) 108. (a) 128. (b) 148. (b)
9. (b) 29. (a) 49. (c) 69. (d) 89. (a) 109. (c) 129. (d) 149. (a)
10. (d) 30. (a) 50. (c) 70. (d) 90. (b) 110. (c) 130. (d) 150. (a)
11. (a) 31. (c) 51. (d) 71. (a) 91. (c) 111. (d) 131. (a) 151. (b)
12. (c) 32. (d) 52. (d) 72. (b) 92. (c) 112. (c) 132. (b) 152. (c)
13. (b) 33. (c) 53. (a) 73. (a) 93. (d) 113. (a) 133. (d) 153. (d)
14. (b) 34. (a) 54. (c) 74. (b) 94. (a) 114. (d) 134. (c) 154. (a)
15. (c) 35. (d) 55. (a) 75. (b) 95. (d) 115. (d) 135. (b) 155. (a)
16. (a) 36. (a) 56. (a) 76. (c) 96. (c) 116. (b) 136. (a) 156. (b)
17. (c) 37. (a) 57. (b) 77. (b) 97. (b) 117. (c) 137. (b)
18. (d) 38. (c) 58. (c) 78. (a) 98. (a) 118. (b) 138. (d)
19. (c) 39. (c) 59. (a) 79. (a) 99. (c) 119. (a) 139. (c)
20. (a) 40. (d) 60. (d) 80. (b) 100. (b) 120. (b) 140. (d)

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