Q1.Tissue in which cells have lost the capicity of cell division
ऊतक जिसमें कोशिकाओं ने कोशिका विभाजन की क्षमता खो दी है?
(a) Mesristmatic tissue / मेरिस्टेमेटिक ऊतक
(b) Permanent tissue/ स्थायी ऊतक
(c) Both a and b/दोनों a और b
(d) None of these/इनमें से कोई नहीं
Sol. The tissues that have lost the capacity of growth and division temporarily or permanently are known as permanent tissue.
Q2.Companion cells are usually seen associated with_____
साथी कोशिकाओं का आमतौर पर _____ से संबद्ध देखा जाता है
(a) Fibers/ रेशे
(b) Tracheids / ट्रेकीड
(c) Vessels/ वेसल्स
(d) Sieve tube/चालनी नलिका
Sol. Companion cell is a type of cell found within the phloem of flowering plants. Each companion cell is usually closely associated with a sieve element.
Q3. The scientist who studied about wheat rust problem
जिस वैज्ञानिक ने गेहूं की रस्ट समस्या के बारे में अध्ययन किया?
(a) H.C. Bose/एच. सी. बोस
(b) K.C. Mehta/के. सी. मेहता
(c) Birbal Shani/बीरबल शनि
(d) D.D. Pant/ डी.डी. पंत
Sol. In India serious studies in fungi (mycology) .K.C. Mehta had made name for his studies on the wheat rust problem.
Q4. Red rust disease of tea is caused by
चाय का लाल रतुआ रोग किसके कारण होता है?
(a) bacteria/ जीवाणु
(b) Lichen/ लाइकेन
(c) Fungi/ कवक
(d) Green algae/ हरी शैवाल
Sol. Red rust an important disease of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis). Orange-brown, velvety areas appear on the leaves of infected plants. The disease is caused by algae of the genus Cephaleuros.
Q5.Tikka disease is related with the crop
टिक्का रोग किस फसल से सम्बंधित है?
(a) Musturd/ सरसों
(b) Paddy/ धान
(c) Ground nut/ मूंगफली
(d) All of these/ ये सभी
Sol. The tikka disease is a serious disease occurring in areas where the groundnut crop is grown in India.
Q6.pH value of alkaline solution is
क्षारीय घोल का pH मान क्या है?
(a) < 7
(b) 7
(c) > 7
(d) None
Sol. Pure water has a neutral pH of 7. pH values lower than 7 are acidic, and pH values higher than 7 are alkaline (basic).
Q7. In pure water hydrogen ion concentration is
शुद्ध पानी में हाइड्रोजन आयन सांद्रता कितनी होती है?
(a) 10^-7
(b) 10^-10
(c) 10^-2
(d) 10^-1
Sol. Pure water is considered to neutral and the hydronium ion concentration is which is equal to the hydroxide ion concentration.
Q8.The pH scale had been given by
pH स्केल किस के द्वारा दिया गया है?
(a) Arrhenius/ अर्हनीस
(b) Bronsted/ ब्रोंस्टेड
(c) Sornsen/ सोरेनसेन
(d) Lewis/ लेविस
Sol. The concept of pH was first introduced by the Danish chemist Sornsen Peder Lauritz.
Q9. Sulphuric acid is
सल्फ्यूरिक एसिड ________ होता है
(a) Monobaisc/ एकक्षारकी
(b) Diabasic/ द्विक्षारकीय
(c) Tribasic/ त्रिक्षारकी
(d) Tetrabasic/ चतु:क्षारकी
Sol. Sulphuric acid is dibasic acid, because it contains two hydrogen atoms which ionise in aqueous solution to become
Q10.The pH value of milk is
दूध का pH मान क्या है?
(a) 2.4
(b) 3.8
(c) 6.6
(d) 8.0
Sol. Fresh cows milk has a pH of between 6.7 and 6.5. Values higher than 6.7 denote mastitic milk and values below pH 6.5 denote the presence of colostrum or bacterial deterioration. Because milk is a buffer solution, considerable acid development may occur before the pH changes. That would make it very slightly acidic.
Q11. Acids react with bases to give–
एसिड के क्षार के साथ प्रतिक्रिया करने पर ____ प्राप्त होता है।
(a) Ester/एस्टर
(b) Alcohol/अल्कोहल
(c) Salt/नमक
(d) None/कोई नहीं
Sol. The reaction of an acid with a base is called a neutralization reaction. The products of this reaction are a salt and water.
Q12. The charge on positron is equal to the charge on–
पॉज़िट्रॉन पर चार्ज, __________ पर चार्ज के बराबर है
(a) proton/ प्रोटॉन
(b) electron/ इलेक्ट्रॉन
(c) α –particle/ α – कण
(d) neutron/ न्यूट्रॉन
Ans (a)
Sol. The charge on positron is equal to the charge on proton.
Q13. The pH of water at 25°C is 7. When it is heated to 100°C, the pH of water–
25 ° C पर पानी का pH 7 होता है। जब इसे 100 ° C तक गर्म किया जाता है, तो पानी के पीएच में ___
(a) Increases/वृद्धि होती है
(b) Decreases/कमी होती है
(c) Remains same/समान रहता है
(d) Decreases up to 50°C and then increases./ 50 ° C तक घट जाता है और फिर बढ़ जाता है।
Sol. pH decreases with increase in temperature. But this does not mean that water becomes more acidic at higher temperatures.
Q14. Hydrochloric acid is also known as
हाइड्रोक्लोरिक एसिड को _____ के रूप में भी जाना जाता है।
(a) Galic acid/गैलिक एसिड
(b) Picric acid/पिरक एसिड
(c) Muriatic acid/मुरिएटिक एसिड
(d) Chloric acid/क्लोरिक एसिड
Sol. Muriatic acid is one of the names for hydrochloric acid, a corrosive strong acid. It is also known as spirits of salt or acidum salis. “Muriatic” means “pertaining to brine or salt”. The chemical formula for muriatic acid is HCl.
Q15. The purest form of water in nature is
प्रकृति में जल का शुद्धतम रूप है-
(a) Rain water /वर्षा-जल
(b) Lake water/झील का जल
(c) River water/नदी का जल
(d) Sea water/समुद्रजल
Sol. Rain water is considered the purest form of water. Impurities and salts present in water on earth are left behind during vaporisation by the sun. However, the rain water we receive on earth is not necessarily pure, as it brings down impurities and particles present in the atmosphere along with it.