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JEE/NEET 2021 : Top 5 Don'ts Followed By Toppers to Crack Exam

JEE/NEET 2021 : Top 5 Don'ts Followed By Toppers to Crack Exam

Students always have a curiosity to know How the toppers are always able to crack the competitive exams? And when you go to these toppers they don’t tell you much, because they want to keep their strategies secret and the reason is increasing competition every second.

Don’t worry, to satiate your enthusiasm, today we are going to open up with Top-5 Don’ts that are surely going to help you avoid making silly mistakes while preparing for JEE/NEET exams.

Let’s unravel the topper’s secrets one by one,

Don’ts - ‘Don’t You Dare Think About Them’

  • Don’t Ignore NCERT Books - “A holy book for NEET Aspirants”

It’s not just a coincidence that every year in the JEE/NEET exam (especially for the NEET exam) you’ll get a few MCQ questions asked from the NCERT textbooks. Also, It has been considered the best book to study biology and Inorganic chemistry.

Hence, many experienced teachers have time-to-time admitted that NCERT is more than enough to score good marks on the boards and should be included for the upcoming NEET study plan. So, always consider buying a full set of NCERT books before your big fat comprehensive books.

  • Don’t Combine Boards & Competitive Exams - “Both Belongs to Different Species”.Follow our test series made separately for both exams

You should know that both JEE/NEET exams are not made to test your comprehension skills on the topics. Although the syllabus for both competitive exams is exactly the same, both exams test different skills.

  • The competitive exams require strong logical reasoning, aptitude skill, qualitative nature, digging deep the concepts with advanced practices.
  • On the other hand, you may score decent marks on the boards if you can memorize and study only important topics, and have basic concepts cleared. But you can’t do it with exams like JEE/NEET, you need the above-mentioned skills and strong preparation.

“In boards you can leave the tough topics and focus on other ones because there is a fixed marks strategy, but in JEE/NEET exams the whole question paper can ask only your left topics.

Sounds horrifying! That’s why you should choose the syllabus and preparation strategies accordingly to perform the best in both fields.

  • Do Not Buy Too Many Reference Books “Don’t Turn Your Study Room into Library”

Students who don’t land up in coaching classes, all end up buying multiple reference books. Right there you start messing up with your preparations. Switching between all of your bought reference books is a waste of both time & money. The problem is not with the students, the thing is they only follow other’s words (Teachers/ Seniors / Guardians).

They are told to buy these books but not taught how to use them. The right pattern is to always use NCERT books and use a few handpicked books like HC Verma for physics, etc, for reference and the rest of leave to your teachers. There is no need to turn your study room into a library, be smart enough to use the resources (like the Internet) but smartly not exhaustively

  • Say No to Tomorrow “Because it Never Comes”

Do you procrastinate a lot? Then you need to know that you’re practicing one of the major mistakes of your academic life. To assume or think that you’ve plenty of time to get prepared for exams is the biggest lie that you’re telling yourself every day. Also, you will only land up in tough situations in the exams.

You can’t afford to waste time because,

  • Already thousands of students are ahead of you in terms of preparations. They all are preparing to beat you only and on the other hand, you’ve to beat those thousands all alone.
  • Doubts are never going to leave your way. The truth is you don’t even have enough time to clear all of them.

Hence, if you’re still in high school mark your teacher’s words and clear the basic concepts that are going to help you crack JEE/NEET and other competitive exams.

  • Avoid Mistakes Today - “To be Prepared for Tomorrow”

Do you remember your teacher’s sayings “Focus on your studies, it will give you fruitful support in the future”.

Yes, their sayings were absolutely right. Thus, the basic concepts that you should’ve studied in your high school years are still a burden on your shoulders. The sad part is you can’t rectify it now. The only thing that you can do is to do double hard-work to acquire the back syllabus. After reading this you should start preparing yourself for the upcoming JEE exams.

DO’s - ‘Just Do it’

USE THE MATERIALS Given in Topper's Academia “Easy to Access and Saves Your Time & Money”


  • It Saves Time, energy, and money.
  • Personalized Interaction.
  • Accessible from anywhere in yout device
  • Experts advise.

We hope that this piece would have helped you in decision making in order to improve your preparation strategies.

“Best of luck for both Boards & JEE/EXAM”


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