With the CBSE class 10th board exams scheduled to commence from May 4, students are less than two months away from giving the first big test of their learning years. While every student dreams of achieving high marks in their exams, it is no secret that it involves immense hard work and dedication.
Here are the top 10 tips to crack the board exam without stress:
1. Select the right time to start preparing for the board exams: Every student has different learning capabilities and hence only he or she can decide when they will start preparing for the exams. However, there is one simple approach that can be followed that does not lead to unnecessary pressure at the eleventh hour – selecting an appropriate time to start preparing. Planning out these preparation hours is something that should be followed to avoid last-minute stress and anxiety.
2. Examination pattern overview: Students must go through question papers from previous years. This helps them determine important topics/ chapters for every subject paper.Use the Q&A notes Of Topper's Academia Chapterwise to get a grip on it. Once a list of common questions is in place, it becomes very easy to prioritize important topics while preparing for the examination, thus bringing in some focus and making the preparation that much easier.Join the test series of Topper's Academia to get the best of the preparation along with the solution to nurture the way of producing the answers in exam
3. A good timetable will make the exam preparations easy: Abraham Lincoln once said that if he were given 6 hours to cut a trey, he would spend the first four hours sharpening his axe. It is clear that without proper planning, it is almost impossible to reach any target. A simple approach for a student preparing for the exams is to make a timetable for when they plan to study each subject and meticulously follow it.
4. Sufficient time should be devoted to self-study: After school or coaching classes, it is ideal for every student to tale out some time wherein he/ she can devote completely to self- studies. Students must spare enough time in self-study so that they can achieve some prefixed study targets.
5. Importance of underlining and highlighting: Many times, it is noticed that students tend to mindlessly highlight and underline most words in a sentence in their textbook, but if these tools are used effectively it can help greatly during revising. Reading only carefully highlighted sentences and paragraphs can help with time management.
6. Give preference to your textbook over reference book: Focusing on the prescribed textbook rather than trying to attempt all questions in a particular reference book can help to not only save time, but prepare effectively for any exam, and is something that students must follow diligently.
7. Do not neglect the languages: Usually, students, with STEM subjects or commerce students with Math tend to focus more on all subjects other than languages. Since marks received in all subjects are calculated together to arrive at a final score, it is important to not neglect languages.
8. Formula lists: For every student studying math or physics for the board exams, it is essential to make formula lists and stick to them in front of the study table. The students should prepare a list for each topic and keep referring to them at regular intervals.
9. Take regular breaks to enjoy yourself: It can never be overemphasized how much breaks are important during studying. Students must avoid studying for long hours continuously and instead, take regular intervals every 50-60 minutes as taking regular breaks helps one to stay focused, fresh and alert.
10. Appropriately write the board exam: After preparing thoroughly for the board exam, a time will come when the answer sheet must reflect the hard work that has been put in during preparation. Students must follow proper techniques and strategies to write answers in the best way which will enable them to complete the exam well in time. Students should make the best use of the 15 minutes reading time allotted before starting to write their answers as this will help them to understand the questions and prepare accordingly.
Stay Happy!